Monday, September 28, 2009

Ideal Combi Boiler L2

Reflections on Epistemology of Science - The Subject Matter

One of the great weaknesses of higher education in Venezuela is the lack of emphasis on the importance of learning about the historical, psychological and sociological carrying obtaining scientific knowledge, this situation makes us less critical and more naive. Many students, including myself included, we realize how important it is Epistemology at a level of study as a PhD, where professors like Dr. Rafael Ramirez lead us to raise awareness and to explore this fascinating world, but can be confusing at first, we can enrich ourselves and gives us the ability to generate a useful thought and possibly fruitful for science.

In any research to suggest a problem or a hypothesis, either with the approach of hypothesis testing method of the logical positivists, refuting theories of Karl Popper, the scientific paradigms of Thomas Kuhn, the qualitative analysis Paul Fayerabend or complexity theory of Edgar Morin, among others, should establish a theoretical ground that leads us to understand the object of study and what are the elements that make up and surround him.

One of our students of this subject, Professor Miguel Martinez Miguélez in his book "The emerging paradigm" states that:

"A prudent researcher recurring activity should be to review and analyze the firmness of the ground he walks and strength and direction of currents of water that moves, that is, the strength of the cases it accepts and the level of credibility of its basic tenets and axioms. The only way to avoid the fatal danger of galloping happily and innocently on the ice surface and snow cover the lake to create a vast plain and safe. "(P.57)

This statement illustrates perfectly the reality of any investigator, whom the worst that can happen is to fall into the path of innocence as this will prevent you from achieving their ultimate goal is the creation or innovation of knowledge useful to himself or society.

In the history of the evolution of thought appears constant to explain the changes, disagreements, and the change of approach, the arrogance, the radicalization and any attitude that clash with the scientific status, cultural or philosophical point. This constant is the search, the investigation results in a certain way in disagreement, question or confirmation.

In each and every one of the emerging opportunities in a theory a scientific position, it has been nurtured by a previous position, of a truth already accepted and these elements are built and based to emerge a different way of approaching a problem, specify a different concept and build new truths.
Subject: In its denial and rejection of the acceptance and recognition

human beings we are immersed in a complex world, this being a feature that occurs from birth and that social phenomena are integrated an infinite number of relationships. Despite this fact, the history of scientific method shows that only went to the late twentieth century which began to change the idea of \u200b\u200bsimplicity and fragmentation by a complex idea in an effort to know the reality in a holistic way, where whole is not the sum of the parts and the part does not replace everything.

This way of thinking in the Western world was created with the logical positivism which began in 1920 and extended to the end of World War II (1945). Its main exponents were a group of researchers from the University of Vienna, led by Slick Morris, Rudolf Carnap, Han Hans, Otto Neurath, Julius Alfred Ayer, who formed the so-called Vienna Circle. This group raised and systematized a scientific method known as hypothesis testing method in which part of a hypothesis passes the test design that allows the collection and analysis of observations and ends with the verification or falsification of the hypothesis. Later

Karl Popper (1934), in his book "The Logic of Scientific Research, criticized the logical positivism and the verification of hypothesis, argues that a science that deals only with specific studies of particular situations can not be this is science and law, knowledge is important to have universal value. Science lies exclusively in its critical approach and more precisely, offers as the criterion of demarcation between science and pseudoscience the falsifiability of a theoretical system.

Popper latest works contain two important highlights: an emphasis on the interpretive nature of the interaction of mind with sensory data and the critical and creative self-conscious mind (1980) and the belief that the result of this mind is a set of objective scientific truths (1985).

is with Thomas Kuhn (1962) that the idea of \u200b\u200bsimplicity and fragmentation begins to collapse and leads to a complex effort to know the reality in a comprehensive way as a dynamics that can not be subordinated to their parts, the whole is not the sum of the parts and the parts do not replace everything. It also criticizes the logical positivism holds that science is not an effort to verify or disprove hypotheses as scientists take the science that exists, knowledge as a tool for action and understanding of reality. This tool is the paradigm because it allows to reinterpret the history of science and scientific information.

In Kuhn's classic work (1962), The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, states that the paradigm would be a coherent structure comprises a network of concepts through which scientists see their field, a network of intertwined theoretical and methodological beliefs that allow the selection, evaluation and critique of issues, problems and methods and a network of commitments among members of the scientific community, all of which implies a specific definition of relevant science and is expressed in organic tradition of scientific research.

The paradigm emerges when the scientific community agrees on what the world and how we can meet in the area in which we are acting. It seeks at all times that reality is explained by the paradigm and is refined and enriched as this reality change (pp. 270-271).

states that research can only be achieved as work performed by professionals and scientists using their skills, wisdom gained from the existing paradigms for intervention reality.

Thomas Kuhn is the starting point for a more complex view of reality. Is the support of authors like Edgar Morin, who since his first books (1946 L'An zéro de l'Allemagne) faced the complexity it became the common denominator of his future works. With its focus, the role of the subject becomes more valuable because they are not speaking of a statement or to contrast the facts, speaking of us as researchers intervening to know reality.

Later, new ways of approaching reality as qualitative analysis. According to Paul Fayeravend (1975), in his book "Against Method", the idea of \u200b\u200ba fixed method or a fixed theory of rationality rests on an overly naive man and his social environment. Convinced that this is not the appropriate way and the way science progresses in fact, argues:

1) The condition that the new assumptions are aligned and not contrary to accepted theories is unreasonable because it favors and preserves the older theory and family and not the best. The assumptions that contradict theories have been confirmed we can offer evidence that could not be reached by any other way. Consequently, the proliferation of theories is beneficial for the advancement of science while uniformity subtracts its critical power.

2) The knowledge produced should be life skills to solve everyday problems, for the preservation of the species and the development of societies. Should not only contemplative knowledge of the reality outside.

The basic approach of this approach is to produce knowledge through the reconstruction of reality, the study of what people do to deal with it. With the emergence

qualitative movement arises from the complexity theory of Edgar Morin, based and inspired by Thomas Kuhn. The concept of complexity Morin was born in the late 1960's, conveyed by the information theory, cybernetics, systems theory and the concept of self-organization and raises three major components:

1) Authority complex objects multiple elements.
2) a context, all of which she forms part.
3) The subjects to interact.

Complexity is the fabric of events, actions, interactions, feedbacks, assessments, hazards that constitute our phenomenal world. Is presented with the disturbing features as tangled as inextricable, disorder, ambiguity, uncertainty (Morin, 1990, p.32). The complexity as a way of thinking implies penetrate beyond the mask, beyond the appearance of reality, where the phenomenon becomes more complex.
According Morin (1990), it is necessary to dispel two illusions that keep people on complexity:

- The first is to believe that the complexity leads to the elimination of simplicity. The complexity appears where simplistic thinking and integrates fault in itself all that introduces order, clarity, distinction, accurate knowledge. While thinking disintegrates simplifying the complexity of the real, complex thinking integrates the most simplistic possible modes of thinking, but reject the crippling consequences, reductionist, and ultimately blinding one-dimensional simplification.

- The second dream is to confuse complexity with completeness. Certainly the ambition of the complex is thought to account for the articulation of disciplinary domains, aims to multidimensional knowledge. But you know, from the outset that complete knowledge is impossible. (Ibid., pp. 22,23)

Ugas Gabriel (2008), in his work entitled "The complexity a way of thinking", sets out six core principles complex thinking:

1) The dialogic principle or dialogización: in a complex system is a logical dialogue. Is to relate ideas and principles of two antagonistic logics. This allows addressing the contradictions that arise from complexity. Is to relate terms without eliminating or reducing the other as separate each word or each logic would be insufficient.

2) The principle of recursion: To understand complex systems (life, the universe, society, organizations, etc.) are reflected in terms of theory, entities and features that are the product while producing and causes the same process that generates, ie complex instances of a process defined in terms of simpler instances, being the simplest end explicitly defined.

3) The principle hologramatic: not only is the whole part but the whole, while everything is within the party.

4) The principle of emergency: can not sacrifice the whole to part (reductionism), but not sacrifice the part to the whole (holism). It should establish a continuous and relentless swing between the whole and its parts as in the realities or in whole new qualities or properties arise (emergency) that are not reducible to the elements (parts) that comprise and feed back on these realities, ie in all properties emerge that were not in the parts considered in isolation or as summative.

5) The principle of self-eco-organization: the explanation of the phenomenon must consider the system's internal logic and external logic of the situation or environment. The world consists of relationships and emerging "realities" endowed with a certain autonomy. These phenomena should be considered autonomous in relation to their environment or ecosystem in an integrated manner.

6) The principle of fuzziness: it allows the mind to reason with uncertain statements and concepts. Goes against the tendency not to recognize institutions mediocrity. Help designing or blends produced mixed entities in a complex organization. (2008, pp. 15-18)

These principles allow us to place different levels of complexity that living things are located. The subject emerges from the point of view and cybernetic systems where a number of distinctive features of humans are included in the object. Emerge from the self-organization, when the autonomy, individuality, complexity, uncertainty, ambiguity, the characters themselves become the object. And also emerge in existential features.

This historical overview on the different approaches that have emerged late twentieth century makes evident how science has evolved in its approach and has gone from not taking into account, to deny the existence of the subject, being the source of interference, distortion, error, which must be removed to achieve objective knowledge, separating it completely from the object, to give greater importance to recognize and presenting both the object and the subject of a reciprocal and inseparable.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Gay Bar In Casablanca

1 .- Philosophy and Epistemology of Theory and Praxis of Social Sciences. Prof. Ramon Garcia

2 .- Fundamentals of Administrative Theory. Prof. Rafael Ramirez

After Weddings Vote Of Thanks

First Semester Enrolled Revision Books - First Semester

  1. Organizational Theories and Management - Critical Approach Carlos Davila L. de Guevara.
  2. Administrative History of Thought Claude S. George, Jr.
  3. Intellectual Capital. The company's intangible value of Johan Roos, Goran Roos, Nicola Dragonetti, and Leif Edvinsson. Intellectual Capital
  4. Carlos Obeso.