According Kuhn and Fleck, The paradigm is a way of seeing, perceiving, knowing and thinking, which is produced predominantly by the scientific community, which includes nested beliefs in collective thinking is not scientific. A paradigm may emerge d originally a highly specialized science, but is unique to overwhelm his birthplace, and transmitted to multiple science disciplines, where it acts as a model or guiding principle at a given time is no longer only science and becomes cultural (Mires, 1996, p. 159)
The transformation of organizations must be understood as a process of examining the crisis of paradigms and creating new paradigms. Senge (1992), in his book The Fifth Discipline, adds an element of critical thinking when he says that transform more than identifying the crisis of paradigms, this crisis is to raise about new paradigms, and in this sense the work of learning organization acquires a new dimension. Transform then paradigms in organizations, not simply means breaking conceptually, but in addition desempotrarlos culturally this is them out of both the mind and heart, not only the individual but the organization as a whole.
As clearly noted Kuhn (1992) the extension of a new paradigm is closely related to the capacity that it proves in practice to solve increasingly more problems. He argues that a paradigm is like a lens that allows us to see that part of the reality that the lens can focus, and that they go into crisis when they do not explain or allow us to act on new presentations of nature, and in this sense is required construction of new paradigms, to expand the vision and enable this new knowledge and this new action (pp. 270-271).
Strategies to perform a paradigm shift in approach are: 1) incorporate Aggressive recruitment profiles of leadership change, according to incorporate their formation processes, disciplines and innovative knowledge, 2) develop tactics for breaking cultural subjectivity in the process of selection and promotion of human talents, and 3) expand the vision of the environment to create a culture of interdisciplinary teamwork, 4) incorporate the use of metaphors and symbolic that incorporates strategies subliminally values \u200b\u200byou want highlighted.
As clearly noted Kuhn (1992) the extension of a new paradigm is closely related to the capacity that it proves in practice to solve increasingly more problems. He argues that a paradigm is like a lens that allows us to see that part of the reality that the lens can focus, and that they go into crisis when they do not explain or allow us to act on new presentations of nature, and in this sense is required construction of new paradigms, to expand the vision and enable this new knowledge and this new action (pp. 270-271).
Strategies to perform a paradigm shift in approach are: 1) incorporate Aggressive recruitment profiles of leadership change, according to incorporate their formation processes, disciplines and innovative knowledge, 2) develop tactics for breaking cultural subjectivity in the process of selection and promotion of human talents, and 3) expand the vision of the environment to create a culture of interdisciplinary teamwork, 4) incorporate the use of metaphors and symbolic that incorporates strategies subliminally values \u200b\u200byou want highlighted.