Sunday, July 25, 2010

Uncle Funeral Condolence


Currently we have grown from beings of reason loved language, because reason is language, because we are living a reality symbolic exchanges that give meaning to the world. Everything must be justified through the language to make sense of things. The language enables man to extrapolate its way to create, enhance, and that it can happen outside observe pinning their ideas in a different space than that carried out for thinking them.

Human beings are linguistic beings, we live in language, as it not only allows us to talk "about" things makes them happen. Therefore, it is action, create realities, human beings, speaking, make any representations, statements, promises, orders, deals that allow us to create ourselves, to express our ideas, open or close possibilities. When we speak shape the future, our identity and the world we live.

Rafael Echeverria (1994), ontology language divides into two fields called descriptive and generative, with the idea of \u200b\u200bdifferentiating between what goes on talking, or the consequences to talk may cause in the world. When talking about what happens, or what happens, I am describing the language, so my talk might be called descriptive. However when I create something new with me to talk, when you build something, then my actions can be considered generative.

The product or effect of language is related to how it is generated and received that conversation. Once generated, the idea is deposited in the language, being freed from the author and the result it produces depends on the different ways in which to actively participate in that conversation, that is depends on how listening, interpreting, legitimacy. This will make the language as a social phenomenon, a tool for the effectiveness of what you want to achieve or create group or team.

Another language is that it occurs in the relationship, and their generation capacity will depend on the size and power of the relationship. The ability of language as a generator of action is amazing and can only express themselves fruitfully germinate if planted in a relationship with enough space to flourish. When watering, nurture the relationship given the generative power of language, otherwise its scope could only be descriptive. Then the relationship is conditioned by my previewing, which will be a source of context that will name the action that is possible, and then coordinated, designed, established.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Shiny Umbreon Gijinka

University Management

educational reality we live, deserves a contribution to improve the quality and academic performance universities. Current needs, the complexity of experience, demand for training that meets certain requirements, for the university and students to integrate and interact with the company and the state and these were the key actors in society.

The university must carefully monitor the changing environment and future and to promote more flexible, making it the logical way as in the university are people and relationships arise that may cause the necessary mutations. However, the reality is different. Actors such as companies in many cases have had to assume this role and in some things on the fly, as a result of the disengagement or separation between academia and industry, or simply because it does not get what you need. That is why we say that universities should not only be aware of current needs, they must anticipate the social movements and anticipate future needs and seek at all costs linked with business and further transform its structures and managing knowledge through Focus on complexity.

The university plays a key role in the development of society as being capable of generating major changes, but by itself it is almost impossible to achieve the required changes, so there should be a complementary relationship and interdependence between the university and each component of society, such as the company, the state and individuals to get the feedback necessary to make sustainable and sustainable world in which we live.

Understanding this reality from the growing complexity involves a form of systems thinking, interactions, relationships and self-organization to be taken by all members of society, especially universities to achieve change and generate knowledge useful, relevant, to meet the needs of society. The complexity as a way of thinking implies penetrate beyond the appearance of the real and to develop in people, should be a major transformation of traditional educational structures in many cases have given priority to training in a simple way of thinking. This is essential to advance meaningful knowledge construction, where it is built well, the social fabric and harmony with the environment.

Some key proposals for the development of this approach are: 1) Go to disciplinarity transdisciplinarity to overcome the cognitive patterns that cut across disciplines, taking into account the environment in which they originate and discuss the challenges and looking around time a deconstruction rather than the breakdown of discipline and created, 2) encourage the initiative, teamwork, synergies, but also to self-employment and entrepreneurship, resources and mobilize knowledge and local staff in order to create new actions to adapt to the new realities., 3) Defining educational quality based on the dimensions of effectiveness (ensuring that students learn what they are supposed to learn to deal with the reality we live), relevance (to have content that respond appropriately to what the individual needs to develop as a person) and process and means (to provide adequate physical context for learning, a body properly prepared for the task of teaching, good materials for study and work, appropriate teaching strategies), and 4) training, encouragement and appreciation to the researchers, who should be recognized and not be relegated to the background as in our country, not only by the level of income but the social value that is given to their business.

Based on these proposals raise two specific action plans, which essentially are not intended to displace traditional, but the emergence of new forms of education. The first proposal is related to the Promotion of Education Franchises for transmission of knowledge between education and business scenarios in order to generate networks knowledge both locally and internationally thus generating financial resources, materials and new stages of knowledge. The second proposal relates to curricular flexibility for the ongoing transformation of rhythms, media and learning environments. Basically it is allowed to make changes in schedules, teaching methods, teachers, teaching, teaching aids, supplementary training, content management, learning spaces, student mobility, exchange and training teachers, the organization and reorganization in subjects or courses, the development of extra powers, setting career mixed, which provides that a student enrolls in college and not a specific program, graduating as credit views.

How Much Power Does A Pedestal Fan Use?

the Complex Thought Organization "basement"

One aspect of great importance and that is rarely mentioned or studied in business, is what Marin (2004) calls the organization "basement" that operates outside the formal system, where transgression is not only of its rules, structure and function, but also their moral and ethical codes. That is, it is violation of its corporate values, its political pacts and its mission.

culture to expand their network management Informal social group is shaping some professional expertise in developing and implementing strategies for perversion of the public, such as misleading accounting experts to evade taxes, corrupt management experts in public procurement, bankruptcy experts fictitious companies, and general management experts in bribing the legal, judicial and state control, to put at your service. Thus the organization of "basement" has other functional networks can not be identified as a global unit, but rather as microcentres that made and unmade, in relationships much more dynamic than formal. It also makes information management is built or deformed to hide the results and decisions of the informal power groups and their relations of domination.

In This generates two types of organizations are still embryonic. A formal character that corresponds to the exercise of power founded on open discussion, respect for individuality, cooperation, tolerance and organizational benefits and another that acts as "basement" of the organization that corresponds to exercise of power where individuality reigns and where the culture of corruption of corporate values \u200b\u200band mission of the organization are performed without any conditioning. Las estructuras subterráneas van adquiriendo mayor valor que las formales, porque los agentes por el principio de regresión sicológica, se ven dirigidos a reproducir las conductas que les están produciendo éxito.

Todas las organizaciones en menor o mayor grado la presentan la realidad antes mencionada. Con esta perspectiva entonces, la investigación organizacional debe estar orientada a develar estos paradigmas colectivos ocultos y para esto entonces se requiere revolucionar nuestras metodologías convencionales del estudio de la organización. En un nuevo contexto metodológico, investigadores y gestores del cambio se verán implicados en prácticas complejas de socialización con la vida organizacional, que open best ways to penetrate this "underworld organization", and in that sense as suggested by Michelat (1993), perceive, track and discover information hidden, dark or unusual, but definitive understanding of the factors of resistance (pp. . 12-15).

Friday, July 16, 2010

Littlest Pet Shop Problem

Reflections on Globalization

Although globalization is not a recent phenomenon, now takes on different dimensions and more complex than in the past. The current process is characterized by its speed, depth and extent of its impact. The technological revolution and the knowledge that exists today has adapted to new dimensions, and this means qualitative changes in relation to the past, have opened new applications and frontiers, generating a greater flexibility in managing capital and global outreach mechanisms in the areas of communication and cultural dissemination.

We must think about globalization from the perspective of complex thinking based on its fundamental principles in this way to understand its causes, consequences and elements as a result of the understanding of an interconnected set of facts such as the start of periodization or paradigmatic worldview called modernity, capitalism, the behavior of state and market in the nation, the way of thinking economic crisis and the different characteristics of our reality.

modernity, capitalism, democracy and globalization are parts where unpredictable events arise, emerging crises occur, disorder, changes. To think in complex ways we can understand some of its most important aspects, contradictions to deal with this phenomenon in any facet of our lives.
This essay deepened the phenomenon of globalization, through four (4) elements: its causes (modernity, democracy, capitalism), consequences (change, competitiveness, poverty, inequality, wealth, power , disorder, chaos) and its elements (market, state, enterprises, individuals).