Submitted by Nancy Gomez:
Buying items on the Internet and open access policies. Could be replaced magazine subscriptions for access ppv?
For Luis Rodríguez Yunta, CSIC, CCHS, Unit ISOC
1. Open access and dependence on multinational publishers
The picture of scientific journals in electronic seems to have opted for two distinctly different options: large payment platforms dominated by multinational corporations or private consortia, compared with open access systems for nonprofit organizations and some isolated cases of unusual publishing companies. For the Latin American Community, the question is whether this dichotomy leads to a strengthening of the external dependence compared to those companies that control the publication of mainstream science.
In Spain, most universities and public research organizations are distributing their electronic publications for free. Among other consequences, ultimately, is giving up politics trade and commercial distribution that is traditionally held with the departments of English throughout the world. By contrast, paid subscriptions to major hub airports, which provide access to collections much larger than the previously managed by any pre-Internet library.
This maintains the status quo of dependence on large multinational corporations. The subversive potential of the Open Access Movement is diluted if the multiplication of documents available in the repositories is not accompanied by a revision in subscription policies international trade services. As noted by Carr, Swan and Harnard (2011) has been a strategic mistake to promote golden path (open edition) instead of the greenway (self-archiving) the continued payment of subscriptions prevents institutions to finance the cost of publishing to open its researchers, while they are unable to cancel while its contents are not accessible otherwise. A vicious cycle to be broken at some point if you want to carry the ultimate consequences of commitment to open access .
Moreover, the hypothesis that favors open access appointments may only be shown if there really is a direct cost to users consult the publications of commercial distribution. Today, for most researchers access almost everything is free, and that your library has paid in advance.
2. Could our institutions now give subscriptions to international publishing platforms?
In theory it would be possible to abandon the current international subscriptions, according to two arguments: first, an important part of the documents included in these platforms are free or have with duplicates available in institutional repositories, and second, those who could not be purchased direct purchase of items such as a service that can be managed from the library as interlibrary loan. This service, traditionally limited to photocopying or scanning of printed goods, could be generalized to electronic versions of payment.
system pay-per-view (PPV) is sufficiently widespread in the publishing platforms. The fundamental problem is assessing whether the costs are bearable to users. By finding examples of English journals, an article 6 pages, as interesting as "fronto-nasal flap in reconstructing paramedial extensive nasal defects", in Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas of 2011 can be purchased for € 25.96 A pity, illustrations should be shocking. It is certainly a policy that promotes the subscription for full access online is € 142.21 per year and publishes about 400 items each year.
The previous example belongs to a national publisher acquired by a multinational, on the same platform but there are also English publications open access, as English Journal of Cardiology . This publication has contracted the service of electronic management Elsevier, maintaining "the property data in the field of the English Society of Cardiology ( Bermejo et al. , 2007: p. 1207) . It is therefore an example of open access publishing through an international publisher, but financed by the original publishers.
A different option is the English publishers that are sold through international service. This is the case of the 8 magazines Trial Content, distributed through IngentaConnect. The price of the ppv per item for Journal of Social Psychology or Culture and Education is also high: $ 25 plus tax.
costs seem much smaller when the distribution depends on English companies or consortia. The digital kiosk of the Association of Cultural Magazines from Spain (ARCE) only allows the purchase of whole numbers, but the prices are for example at 3.5 € for Review of Books or 10 € for a copy of Communicating. A publication as Economic Studies Applied , offering the download of individual articles € 5 through Marcial Pons. For its part, the Center for Political and Constitutional distributed directly embargoed numbers of its 14 journals to 3.06 € per item. Such costs are much closer to those of a traditional copy.
Access ppv in international platforms is particularly expensive, and may even be accompanied by time constraints. For example, you can purchase online access for only 24 hours. the articles of Journal of Librarianship and Information Science in SAGE journals online, for $ 25. Alternatively, in some cases you can explore the option of "renting" items. DeepDyve is an aggregator that allows access to journal articles Springer, Nature Publishing Group or Wiley, at a price of 0.99 standard $. This holiday allows reading on screen for a minimum of 24 hours, but prevents downloading and printing documents.
3. Conclusions
Based on these data, the main problem for libraries to replace the subscription policy for access services ppv lies in its high prices on international platforms. This high cost is due to a policy of promoting institutional subscriptions by large publishers. An effective strategy to maintain the status quo dependency. By contrast, the ppv is acceptable in national service.
international subscriptions and to shift spending on readers could render service to a large number of current users. On the contrary, assume the cost from the library itself would lead to a complex management. In conclusion, a difficult problem that should not lead to conform with the current situation. To cause a change would require library services explore new ways of negotiating with publishers to bring lower costs in the pay-per-view for its users.
Sources cited
Bermejo, Javier, Segovia, Javier; Heras, Magda, Alfonso, Fernando. "Electronic management of manuscripts in English Journal of Cardiology: new tools for old targets." English Journal of Cardiology , 2007, v. 60, n. 11, pp. 1206-1210.
DOI: 10.1157/13111794
[ sites / default / files / elsevier / pdf/25 / 25v60n11a13111794pdf001.pdf , accessed 15 - 04-2011].
Carr, Les, Swan, Alma; Harnard, Stevan. "Creation and maintenance of shared knowledge: a contribution University of Southmpton. The information professional, 2011, January-February, v. 20, n. 1, pp. 102-110.
DOI: 10.3145/epi.2011.ene.13
[ http://www. elprofesionaldelainformacion. com/contenidos/2011/enero/14. pdf, accessed 25/04/2011].
Luis Rodríguez Yunta is a member of ThinkEPI
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