is confirming is thus a suspicion that we had very few in the brain that deals with the same deference or indifference, depending how you look, social experiences and abstract as a lack of social recognition and physical behaviors as specific and feed the hungry or die of thirst.
What is science, no more no less, is that the world of feelings and the history of thought affect the hearts of the people in no less than a famine or global warming. So why do we deal less than the former than the latter?
And if that is true, and you can not deny that part of the small and modest scientific heritage should be tempered by many of our beliefs or at least alter what I call our "strategy of compromise." It is doubtful, for example, that our survival depends more from famous climate change on our individual recognition for the rest of society to know, ultimately, if they hate me or love me.
is much less likely than previously thought that our physiological needs are of a greater degree of urgency to our feelings. Let's see if now is to give money to fight AIDS or malaria activates the so-called "brain reward circuit" more so than receiving the same amount of money to fulfill personal needs. (Confidentially, I confess to my dear readers that this also has been demonstrated experimentally supported by functional magnetic resonance imaging, although I would recommend not to disclose too much yet to not arouse the disbelievers and psychopaths who have trouble admitting or feel the pain of others.)
The mystery is still not revealed why the brain is the emotional need that same physics. Everyone understands that the lack of food and water or extreme temperatures cause pain. But why the brain uses the same neurological system to address deprivation and physical rewards moral deprivations and rewards?
A team of scientists led by H. Takahashi of the University of California, Los Angeles, suggests that there are evolutionary reasons for survival of the species that would explain this behavior. In mammals, and particularly in humans, is very high dependence of newborns that come into the world devoid of the necessary mechanisms to survive on their own. The cost to enjoy a higher intelligence than other mammals as an adult means to spend the first seven years of life to learning and form the imagination, in the all-covered, of course, including health care costs.
Without the dedication of a specific care, which can only arise from social feelings and emotions, no infant could survive. In this sense, the social feelings precede the coverage of physical and practical needs, like feeding, quench thirst or provide the right temperature. Is arguable that without those social feelings could then be offset to survive physically. The brain is right to give it first priority to the latter. This time, evolution chose the suitable alternative. Now, just have us all behave the same way. At least, in 2010.