Sunday, March 14, 2010

Defrost A Frozen Beef Fillet

The brain does not distinguish between physical and emotional pain (Eduardo Punset)

matters more the impact of abstract feelings that the specific physical and thirst or hunger. The pain caused by social reasons, such as a lack of love, or the pleasures of the same nature, such as approving an opposition-activated identical brain circuits that physiological stimuli, essential for survival, such as having sex.

is confirming is thus a suspicion that we had very few in the brain that deals with the same deference or indifference, depending how you look, social experiences and abstract as a lack of social recognition and physical behaviors as specific and feed the hungry or die of thirst.
What is science, no more no less, is that the world of feelings and the history of thought affect the hearts of the people in no less than a famine or global warming. So why do we deal less than the former than the latter?

And if that is true, and you can not deny that part of the small and modest scientific heritage should be tempered by many of our beliefs or at least alter what I call our "strategy of compromise." It is doubtful, for example, that our survival depends more from famous climate change on our individual recognition for the rest of society to know, ultimately, if they hate me or love me.

is much less likely than previously thought that our physiological needs are of a greater degree of urgency to our feelings. Let's see if now is to give money to fight AIDS or malaria activates the so-called "brain reward circuit" more so than receiving the same amount of money to fulfill personal needs. (Confidentially, I confess to my dear readers that this also has been demonstrated experimentally supported by functional magnetic resonance imaging, although I would recommend not to disclose too much yet to not arouse the disbelievers and psychopaths who have trouble admitting or feel the pain of others.)

The mystery is still not revealed why the brain is the emotional need that same physics. Everyone understands that the lack of food and water or extreme temperatures cause pain. But why the brain uses the same neurological system to address deprivation and physical rewards moral deprivations and rewards?

A team of scientists led by H. Takahashi of the University of California, Los Angeles, suggests that there are evolutionary reasons for survival of the species that would explain this behavior. In mammals, and particularly in humans, is very high dependence of newborns that come into the world devoid of the necessary mechanisms to survive on their own. The cost to enjoy a higher intelligence than other mammals as an adult means to spend the first seven years of life to learning and form the imagination, in the all-covered, of course, including health care costs.

Without the dedication of a specific care, which can only arise from social feelings and emotions, no infant could survive. In this sense, the social feelings precede the coverage of physical and practical needs, like feeding, quench thirst or provide the right temperature. Is arguable that without those social feelings could then be offset to survive physically. The brain is right to give it first priority to the latter. This time, evolution chose the suitable alternative. Now, just have us all behave the same way. At least, in 2010.

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The Century of Science of Mind - Gustavo Punset, Nets 441 (24/06/2007)

The XXI century will be the great century of science of the mind. After psychoanalysis and cognitive behavioral therapy, the biological approach of the mind, the most fundamental level, cell by cell, neuron by neuron, brings new answers and new challenges we get there to understand the brain through the biological approach? That still do not know, but what if we do know is that change will be revolutionary.

Schizophrenia, depression, anxiety states, obsessive-compulsive neurosis ... there are huge problems for individuals and societies must face. And we understand them better and find a better treatment for them. Will we be able in this new century to provide answers to all these questions? This week we will begin to look for Networks.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Hair Is Thining In The Front

Modena, Postmodernism and Transmodnidad

order to understand the paradigmatic axis allow us to carry out the exercise of management in different environments, it is necessary to address the debate between modernity, postmodernity and transmodernity, in order to know the most important features of these philosophical concepts that define an era periodization paradigm or worldview.

Modernity Modernity has its starting point around 1500, with the birth of the global capitalist system from the emergence of colonial empires (Portugal, Spain, Great Britain), covers the history of capitalism in different phases: competitive, monopolistic, global. (Ballina, 2005, p. 221).

Mechanism is a philosophical doctrine born in the seventeenth century as a focus of scientific research of Galileo, Huygens, Boyle, Descartes, among others. It is the doctrine that all natural reality has a structure comparable to that of a machine, and therefore can be explained this way.

Since reality is similar to a machine, the investigator will know to the extent that studies the constituent parts and the laws governing the material, the bodies and the forces present there. If the investigator is aware of the conditions of the bodies and the laws governing the movement, then it is possible to know anything because the principle of causality the warrants. This principle states that knowing the quantities related con las cosas, el curso posterior es determinable, y se puede aplicar a cualquier proceso o situación. Bajo esta óptica causas iguales conducen a efectos similares, a esto se le conoce como determinismo. (Fidel y Morales, 2008, p.53)

René Descarte fue uno de sus principales exponentes de esta doctrina filosófica. Este filósofo, matemático y científico francés es considerado como el Pionero de la Filosofía Moderna y el creador de la noción de sujeto. Creó el método del pensamiento analítico, que consiste en desmenuzar los fenómenos complejos en partes para comprender desde las propiedades el funcionamiento del todo, incluidos los organismos vivos, eran una máquina que podía be fully understood by analyzing their smaller parts. Thinking

Mechanistic Features: materialism, determinism, reductionism.


The concept of postmodernism in a category that does not easily match philosophers, historians, sociologists, among others. It is a concept that cuts across disciplines and talks about something new, a big paradigm shift, therefore, may become for some, vague and controversial, multidimensional, while others can become an intellectual fashion or ideological terrain.

The starting point for some thinkers of postmodernism is the crisis of modernity, globalization, technology, virtualization, information society, the great cultural changes, political, economic and social, or the collapse of the paradigms traditionally taken as true or valid. (Lanz, 2001, pp. 24,25)

Systems theory and its development will support the different approaches of postmodernism. In the late eighteenth century began to question the whole logic mechanistic. Organicism, see the behavior of an organism as an integrated whole that can not be understood only from the study of its parts. Such organicism

turns over twentieth-century systems theory which postulates that "the whole is greater than the sum of the parts." This sum of the parts come "emergent properties" that did not exist at lower levels of complexity, and therefore can not use the Cartesian analytical method for understanding systems, but rather the properties of the parts can only be known and understood from the whole organization.

current clinical thinking, with all its ramifications, is legitimated and comes from the discoveries in quantum physics by scientists such as Heisenberg, Bohr and Einstein. Ludwig Von Bertalanffy also questioned the method scientific problems in biology, because it was based on a mechanistic and causal, which made him weak as a framework for the explanation of the major problems that occur in living systems.

The Transmodernity

The term "postmodern" emerged as a way of witnessing a situation I wanted to express what was to modernity. This term was not well received among many authors and expressing that modernity had produced historic achievements that were indispensable, step by modernity had been final and conclusive for humanity, and this could not be ignore.

Amid this and other debates on postmodernism, English philosopher Rosa María Rodríguez Magda was circulated Transmodernity concept first in 1989 in his book Saturn's smile. Towards a trans-modern theory. The term arose during a conversation with Jean Baudrillard in 1987. At the time

"postmodern" -. The new technology of communication caused a gradual thinning of the real and the virtual growth. The role of simulation and hyperreality has become one of the significant stages of our lives. And that means the entry into a new era of human history for which we have no precedent.

The fact that this time comes after the modern age has laid attention to the word "postmodern", but time has made it clear that this can not be an "anything goes" now prevailing in many parts of the world of society, who have fallen into anomie and chaos. We must regain the reins of the target that once marked the Enlightenment: the liberation of man's ancestral ties in search of autonomy leading to the triumph of liberty, equality and solidarity, but the achievement of these ideals classic corrections should be done by overriding: the desire for justice, rationality, democracy, accountability, must adapt to each person and each situation by applying the difference principle that guarantees human dignity in each individual case.

The "transmodernity" shares the view of leaving the "big stories", but without giving up the theory, history, justice, autonomy of the subject is a purpose to take on postmodern criticism, bringing modernity beyond them, in search of a new paradigm. From this point of view, Rodríguez Magda goes through the major issues that the XXI century has become urgent.

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Neuroliderazgo A New Dimension The matter

The social and organizational phenomenon is complex, since it generates a lot of relationships that give rise to emergent properties, to disorder, sudden changes and the breakdown of certainty. This situation reflects the importance of knowing how deep the way they act or react to these phenomena in human beings.

The expansion of knowledge and information, and the development of technologies, scientific and administrative thinking has led to greater understanding of human nature and behavior change. The new findings are of great interest to organizations, and that help explain a number of variables related to the conduct of its members and, most importantly, the reason for the success and failure of different styles of leadership and management.

neuroscience and cognitive science is the starting point of Neuroliderazgo, a new conceptual dimension of leadership, which take into account the different neurocognitive mechanisms underlying human behavior, such as attentional capacity development, assembly, emotional self-regulatory capacity to understand the learning process, resistance to change, motivation and decision-making process. These aspects are important, if we start the fact that true leaders do not usually respond to a common pattern and are progressively acquiring and exercising virtues for its management and others.

Monday, March 8, 2010

How Much Lighted Added After Solstice

Inscribed matter

- Globalization and its impact on society. Prof . Pedro Castro
- University Management. Prof . Genaro Mozquera

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Third Semester Inscribed 2nd.

- Organizational Management and Leadership. Prof. Teodoro Campos
- Environment and its Influence on Organizational Management. Prof. Pedro Castro
- transcomplex of Management in Organizations. Prof. Lozano

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Semester Revision Books - Second and Third Semester

-Casacuberta, David (2001). The Human Mind. Riddles and Five Hundred Questions. Spain. Barcelona: Ocean.
-Dávila, Carlos (2001). Organizational Theories and Management. Critical Approach. Colombia. Bogota: McGraw-Hill.
-De Gregori Evilásio Waldemar and Volpato (2002). Intellectual Capital. Systemic administration. Colombia. Bogota: McGraw-Hill.
-Alain (2008). What game My Brain?. 100 psychological experiments about intelligence and emotions to discover how the brain works. Spain. Barcelona: Ediciones Robinbook.
-Martinez, Miguel (1997). The Emerging Paradigm. Towards a new theory of scientific rationality. Mexico: Editorial rail.
-Martinez, Miguel (2008). Epistemology and Methodology in las qualitative Sciences Sociales. Mexico: Editorial rail.
-Lynne McFarland, Larry Senna and John Childress (1996). Leadership for him twenty-first century. Dialogues with 100 prominent leaders. Colombia. Bogota: McGrawHill.
-Baudrillard, Jean; Crimp, Douglas, Foster, Hal; Frampton, Kenneth; Jurgen Habermas, Jameson, Frederic; Krauss, Rosalind; Craig Owens, Edward Said, Gregory Ulmer (1985): Postmodernism. Editorial Kairos, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain.
striker, Rigoberto (compiler), Caballero, Sybil; Rojas, Luis; Torres, Reiny; Arap Elizabeth; Evaluate Suarez, Lopez, Frank; Márquez, María del Valle, Zambrano, Luis; Canan, Richard (2001): Organizations transcomplex. Imposmo / Conicit, Caracas, Venezuela.
-Llano, Carlos (1994): Postmodernism in the company. Editorial McGrawHill, Mexico, DF
-Márquez, José (2009): The New Management and Social Transformation. Editorial Horizonte, Barquisimeto, Venezuela.
Morin, Edgar (1990): Introduction to complex thought. Gedisa Editorial, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain.
-Senge, Peter (1990): The Fifth Discipline. Granica, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain. Ugas
-Fermin, Gabriel (2008): Complexity, A Thinking. Ediciones del Taller Permanente Epistemological Studies in Social Sciences, Second Edition, San Cristobal, Venezuela.