A year and a month, I was honored to prolong the work of Mario Julian, FAULTS "JUSTICE OR FAILURE TO JUSTICE? (Ed. del Puerto, Buenos Aires, 2007), where he described one of the many merits of his work:
II. The author's first success in the "Initial Considerations", is hard to call attention to criminologists suggesting that this branch of law "has not been major concerns by legal scholars in general ...."
This lack of attention to theoretical analysis and reflection by the legal community, and lawmakers-has contributed to tolerate in the Province of Buenos Aires subsisting legislation-indeed, an Executive Order issued by a government de facto, anachronistic, and, as the author said sharply over the whole work, contrary to all the fundamental principles of the rule of law. Mario
JULIAN reasonably explains the punitive nature of the misdemeanor penalty and, therefore, justifies the need for extreme respect for rights and safeguards in the law enforcement failures. It also highlights the quantitative application of the law misdemeanor as a generalized mechanism of formal social control in the geographical area comprising the object of study and judicial work.
thus indicates that the total number of cases prosecuted in the criminal courts of Buenos Aires in recent years, most were in the system of faults. 74% in 1999, 66% in 2000, 60% in 2001 and 2002, and 59% in the next two years. It also highlights the rise in cases of misdemeanors, from an average of 21,000 cases from 1999 to 2002, climbed to 28,477 by 2004.
Year Percentage violations in correctional justice Number of cases
1999 74 % 21.000
2000 66 % 21.000
2001 60 % 21.000
2002 60 % 21000
2004 59 % 28.500
This contempt for justice of faults, that is, by the principles that really inform the whole repressive system, is largely ignored by the criminal law teeóricos. Especially in the field of substantive criminal law, many of us are bogged down in pointless discussions about the consequences of error to reverse the policy elements of the offense in the contest between disvalue disvalue action result in the systematic classification of consent not offended, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. And besides, we ignore or do not take responsibility for the consequences that this reductionist analysis of what we might call "repressive law" legal formalism own complaint about Abramovich posts below, produced in the world.
is why yesterday Horacio Javier Cordoba Etchichury (RADIO TOSCO) has condemned us with absolute justice, saying:
A year and a month, I was honored to prolong the work of Mario Julian, FAULTS "JUSTICE OR FAILURE TO JUSTICE? (Ed. del Puerto, Buenos Aires, 2007), where he described one of the many merits of his work:
II. The author's first success in the "Initial Considerations", is hard to call attention to criminologists suggesting that this branch of law "has not been major concerns by legal scholars in general ...."
This lack of attention to theoretical analysis and reflection by the legal community, and lawmakers-has contributed to tolerate in the Province of Buenos Aires subsisting legislation-indeed, an Executive Order issued by a government de facto, anachronistic, and, as the author said sharply over the whole work, contrary to all the fundamental principles of the rule of law. Mario
JULIAN reasonably explains the punitive nature of the misdemeanor penalty and, therefore, justifies the need for extreme respect for rights and safeguards in the law enforcement failures. It also highlights the quantitative application of the law misdemeanor as a generalized mechanism of formal social control in the geographical area comprising the object of study and judicial work.
thus indicates that the total number of cases prosecuted in the criminal courts of Buenos Aires in recent years, most were in the system of faults. 74% in 1999, 66% in 2000, 60% in 2001 and 2002, and 59% in the next two years. It also highlights the rise in cases of misdemeanors, from an average of 21,000 cases from 1999 to 2002, climbed to 28,477 by 2004.
Year Percentage violations in correctional justice Number of cases
1999 74 % 21.000
2000 66 % 21.000
2001 60 % 21.000
2002 60 % 21000
2004 59 % 28.500
This contempt for justice of faults, that is, by the principles that really inform the whole repressive system, is largely ignored by the criminal law teeóricos. Especially in the field of substantive criminal law, many of us are bogged down in pointless discussions about the consequences of error to reverse the policy elements of the offense in the contest between disvalue disvalue action result in the systematic classification of consent not offended, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. And besides, we ignore or do not take responsibility for the consequences that this reductionist analysis of what we might call "repressive law" legal formalism own complaint about Abramovich posts below, produced in the world.
is why yesterday Horacio Javier Cordoba Etchichury (RADIO TOSCO) has condemned us with absolute justice, saying:
(1) Lucas Maldonado was arrested in the former Jail of defendants, died Sunday January 6 for meningitis. He was arrested for loitering (art. 86, Code of Offences) from Wednesday 2. He lived in Barrio Yapeyú.
Lucas died Fault Code : A law that allows police to stop , judge and condemn people by their face, without defense counsel .
three months ago, the Ombudsman, Eduardo Mondino called improvements in prison conditions , but it did not remove a Code unconstitutional as a large country house.
Art. 86 of the Offences Code punishes those who "merodearen buildings, vehicles, farms, livestock, forestry or mining, or remain in the vicinity in [...] suspicious behavior, not a reason to address, as the circumstances of the case, or causing unrest among its owners, residents, pedestrians or neighboring .
grants permission to arrest guilty people face. entered the code Fouls in 1987, a proposal the governor Eduardo Angeloz .
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