Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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For a critical sociology of social control

Upon entering the classroom, Professor Pegoraro was surprised and very moved by the applause of his colleagues, students and family.
Maximum Sozzo, compiler of the work, briefly summarized the work of nearly two years, with contributors, highlighting the effort and coordination involving all kept in the strictest secret editing this book tribute.
Then Victoria Rangugni spoke on behalf of teachers and students of the Program for the Study of Social Control, which Professor Pegoraro is director, Dr. Carlos Cárcova, who recalled his work with Pegoraro in defense of political prisoners during the last years of the dictatorship of Onganía and Lanusse and during the first months of 1976, which went into exile, and Dr. Iñaki Rivera Beiras, representing the many foreign authors who contributed the work.
Finally, the three daughters of Professor Pegoraro, indent in hand, outlined his childhood in exile, with funny anecdotes and memories of the special education received from his father.
Toast and sandwiches in between, the audience, including Alicia Ruiz, Mariano Ciaffardini, Eugenio Zaffaroni, Mariano Gutiérrez Iñaki Anitua and was accompanied by Professor Pegoraro until late afternoon.

Krotsch With articles, Dellasoppa, Bergalli, Tavares Dos Santos, Tenorio Tagle, Mosconi, Rivera Beiras, Ota de Leonardis, Tamar Pitch, Santillan, Bodelón, Recasens i Brunet, Pavarini, Ruggiero, Melossi, Anitua, Ciafardini, Giavedoni, Tonkonoff, de Marinis, Galvani, Mouzo, Rivers, González Montero, Sozzo, Rodriguez , Seghezzo, Ayos, Dallorso, Rangugni, receptive, Bumble, Gutiérrez rrez, Child, Cárcova, and Zaffaroni, this limited edition will be released in March of next.

Editors Puerto


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