Thursday, December 30, 2010

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World ranking of 800 major institutional repositories

World ranking of 800 major institutional repositories

In the world ranking of 800 major institutional repositories (digital libraries that archive the production of the institution in full text), listed the following repositories of Latin American universities

n º 40 - Universidade de Sao Paulo, Digital Library of Theses,

No 63 - University Los Andes, Venezuela

n º 130 - Universidad de Chile - Cybertesis,

n º 167 - Escuela Superior Politécnica del Ecuador,

No. 192 - State University of Campinas -

No 238 - Universidad de Chile, Academic Repository -

n º 265 - Universidade Federal do Parana - Theses

n º 310 - Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

No 329 - Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia sedici.unlp.
n º 344 - Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador, Thesis

No 419 - Universidade de Brasilia,

No 490 - National University of Cuyo, Argentina,

n º 496 - University ICESI, Colombia

No 534 - UNAM, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Mexico

n ° 553 - Universidad de Talca, Chile / index.jsp

n º 555 - Salesian Polytechnic University, Ecuador

n º 612 - Universidad del Rosario, Colombia

No 624 - Universidad Austral de Chile, Tesis

No 655 - Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Faculty of Humanities, Argentina www.
No 677 - Universidad Catolica del Peru

No. 697 - University of Applied Sciences No

708 - University of Brasilia,
Monographs No 734 - Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, thesis No 767 - Universidad de Chile, thesis

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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For a critical sociology of social control

Upon entering the classroom, Professor Pegoraro was surprised and very moved by the applause of his colleagues, students and family.
Maximum Sozzo, compiler of the work, briefly summarized the work of nearly two years, with contributors, highlighting the effort and coordination involving all kept in the strictest secret editing this book tribute.
Then Victoria Rangugni spoke on behalf of teachers and students of the Program for the Study of Social Control, which Professor Pegoraro is director, Dr. Carlos Cárcova, who recalled his work with Pegoraro in defense of political prisoners during the last years of the dictatorship of Onganía and Lanusse and during the first months of 1976, which went into exile, and Dr. Iñaki Rivera Beiras, representing the many foreign authors who contributed the work.
Finally, the three daughters of Professor Pegoraro, indent in hand, outlined his childhood in exile, with funny anecdotes and memories of the special education received from his father.
Toast and sandwiches in between, the audience, including Alicia Ruiz, Mariano Ciaffardini, Eugenio Zaffaroni, Mariano Gutiérrez Iñaki Anitua and was accompanied by Professor Pegoraro until late afternoon.

Krotsch With articles, Dellasoppa, Bergalli, Tavares Dos Santos, Tenorio Tagle, Mosconi, Rivera Beiras, Ota de Leonardis, Tamar Pitch, Santillan, Bodelón, Recasens i Brunet, Pavarini, Ruggiero, Melossi, Anitua, Ciafardini, Giavedoni, Tonkonoff, de Marinis, Galvani, Mouzo, Rivers, González Montero, Sozzo, Rodriguez , Seghezzo, Ayos, Dallorso, Rangugni, receptive, Bumble, Gutiérrez rrez, Child, Cárcova, and Zaffaroni, this limited edition will be released in March of next.

Editors Puerto

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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2010 titles Publishers of Puerto

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pacific Science Theater Imax Promotion



A year and a month, I was honored to prolong the work of Mario Julian, FAULTS "JUSTICE OR FAILURE TO JUSTICE? (Ed. del Puerto, Buenos Aires, 2007), where he described one of the many merits of his work:

II. The author's first success in the "Initial Considerations", is hard to call attention to criminologists suggesting that this branch of law "has not been major concerns by legal scholars in general ...."
This lack of attention to theoretical analysis and reflection by the legal community, and lawmakers-has contributed to tolerate in the Province of Buenos Aires subsisting legislation-indeed, an Executive Order issued by a government de facto, anachronistic, and, as the author said sharply over the whole work, contrary to all the fundamental principles of the rule of law. Mario

JULIAN reasonably explains the punitive nature of the misdemeanor penalty and, therefore, justifies the need for extreme respect for rights and safeguards in the law enforcement failures. It also highlights the quantitative application of the law misdemeanor as a generalized mechanism of formal social control in the geographical area comprising the object of study and judicial work.

thus indicates that the total number of cases prosecuted in the criminal courts of Buenos Aires in recent years, most were in the system of faults. 74% in 1999, 66% in 2000, 60% in 2001 and 2002, and 59% in the next two years. It also highlights the rise in cases of misdemeanors, from an average of 21,000 cases from 1999 to 2002, climbed to 28,477 by 2004.

Year Percentage violations in correctional justice Number of cases
1999 74 % 21.000

2000 66 % 21.000

2001 60 % 21.000

2002 60 % 21000

2004 59 % 28.500


This contempt for justice of faults, that is, by the principles that really inform the whole repressive system, is largely ignored by the criminal law teeóricos. Especially in the field of substantive criminal law, many of us are bogged down in pointless discussions about the consequences of error to reverse the policy elements of the offense in the contest between disvalue disvalue action result in the systematic classification of consent not offended, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. And besides, we ignore or do not take responsibility for the consequences that this reductionist analysis of what we might call "repressive law" legal formalism own complaint about Abramovich posts below, produced in the world.

is why yesterday Horacio Javier Cordoba Etchichury (RADIO TOSCO) has condemned us with absolute justice, saying:

(1) Lucas Maldonado was arrested in the former Jail of defendants, died Sunday January 6 for meningitis. He was arrested for loitering (art. 86, Code of Offences) from Wednesday 2. He lived in Barrio Yapeyú.

Lucas died Fault Code : A law that allows police to stop , judge and condemn people by their face, without defense counsel .

three months ago, the Ombudsman, Eduardo Mondino called improvements in prison conditions , but it did not remove a Code unconstitutional as a large country house.

Art. 86 of the Offences Code punishes those who "merodearen buildings, vehicles, farms, livestock, forestry or mining, or remain in the vicinity in [...] suspicious behavior, not a reason to address, as the circumstances of the case, or causing unrest among its owners, residents, pedestrians or neighboring .

grants permission to arrest guilty people face. entered the code Fouls in 1987, a proposal the governor Eduardo Angeloz .


Friday, November 26, 2010

Orangr Juice And Phlem

Daniel Rafecas


On November 18, 2010 was presented to the Faculty of Law at the University of Buenos Aires the doctoral thesis of Dr. Daniel Rafecas . The thesis was published by Puerto Publishers under the title Torture and other illegal practices detainees with Foreword by Prof. Dr. David Baigún . The presentation was conducted by Drs. Anitua Ignacio, Luis Child and David Baigún .

First Anitua gave a detailed description of the contents of the work, with particular emphasis on interdisciplinary framework used by the author to tackle such a complex issue like torture, both from a universal perspective , regional and, in particular, the Argentine context.

Dr. Anitua pondered the historical and sociological sources on which derives the thesis research, as well as la rigurosidad —propia de la buena dogmática penal— para abordar todas las cuestiones jurídico-penales relacionada con los delitos de torturas, apremios ilegales, vejaciones y detenciones ilegales analizados a partir del tercer capítulo del libro. Concluyó su exposición destacando la verificación de las hipótesis de trabajo de la tesis. Finalmente, destacó de manera especial el hecho de que la obra de Rafecas ya ha dejado de pertenecerle, ha pasado a integrar el saber de las disciplinas penales, y como tal, se ha transformado en una herramienta intelectual generadora de debates, discusiones y críticas sobre las complejas cuestiones tratadas.

Dr. Child then intervened. Your comment did not point to the work but the author's intellectual growth. He recalled the first steps taken by Dr. Rafecas , many years to accept an invitation to participate in a collective work on "Crimes against freedom", a company that was successfully completed with the publication seven years ago in a book with that title, under the direction of Stella Maris Martínez and panelist.


Child highlighted the development as evidenced by the author from then until the crystallization of this work, especially on the issue of torture, for which it was clear how Dr. Rafecas had capitalized on the experience and contact investigations for crimes against humanity committed during the military dictatorship, which dealt with by the Court federal office, and which is reflected in the content and development of the thesis.

Finally, there was the intervention of Dr. David Baigún , who was both director of the thesis and foreword of the book presented in the act. Baigún surprised the audience and the rest of the panel, warning that his intervention would not be addressed to comment on this book, on whose merits and importance had already exposed the two lawyers who preceded him in word, but it was his intention to stop at the figure of the author. Tutu told Baigún Rafecas know since he was a young student of the race, who later, as a graduate, joined the teaching profession and was for some years in his chair, and from then on was always in contact with him under intense academic activities of both. Throughout this time, pondered Baigún , Daniel Rafecas has been an example of intellectual integrity and courage, as a teacher and a judge. The author emphasized his keen perception to foreshadow the advent of historic change, a perception that has enabled it to be at the forefront of these changes and showing the way, especially the younger generation.

To close the ceremony, the author of the work, Dr. Daniel Rafecas , began by thanking the words and concepts expressed by the panelists, and the public to be present at the event. He stressed that two were the objectives with this book, first, the plane must be that this thesis research and their conclusions constitute a contribution to the Argentine penal sciences in their different areas, especially in the study that was carried out in these types of crimes from the perspective of three basic constitutional guarantees criminal (law, harmfulness, guilt), and second, now at the level of be , the author expressed his hope that the work in question becomes a working tool for the criminal justice system, so that contributes to a bigger and better selection of these crimes - which in all cases are serious effects on basic human rights of freedom, dignity and in many cases, life-by law enforcement agencies, and thus, that will be reducing the exercise more brutal underground punitive power that unfortunately still persists in many areas, including policing and incarceration, the length and breadth of the country. In this sense, concluded Dr. Rafecas , discounted the encouragement and support of all present, colleagues and friends, to achieve these objectives, so dear to the consolidation of our democratic system.

Comments received by the author



just received your excellent book of torture that goes far beyond what has already sent me on an earlier version. We see that you have worked conscientiously and you know the theme to perfection, both in its legal aspects, as in others that directly affects this issue. Congratulations. Thanks also for the reference to your stay in Seville. A hug

Paco (Prof. Francisco Muñoz Conde )


------------------------------- ---------

Dear Daniel:

Congratulations for having produced a work that takes over a subject as vital as its title suggests. Surely be a tremendous asset to clarify, to help awareness, and also to provide a theoretical basis for those we walk the same path of struggle.

A big hug to my great appreciation and all my affection. Hugo



---------------------------- -------------


These days I went to Cariló and yesterday I finished reading the book. I found it very good, especially the part that talks about the differences between torture and coercion and / or harassment, as well as the characteristics of the latter. Glad you have a specific book on this kind of crime! Unfortunately, and the role I play in the process touches, I am aware that they will go along way to the prosecutors and complainants. The issue of commission by omission, the position of guarantor of command responsibility, etc., A position very respectable, as is the opposite, that held by Zaffaroni and Silvestroni . Of course, I'll have to rely on these authors and not both of you, ha ha.

Beyond the seriousness of the book, appointments, decisions, doctrines and depth approached, I noticed something I think is very important: their reading fluency and ease of development issues.

I tell you one instance: we were on the beach before yesterday, and I see my old man begins to read your book (a doctor). After a while, I see you still with the book. I thought: what you read if you will not understand anything or worse, then I will to 20 questions on the subject. At night, me and says: "Very interesting that book, especially when talking about the difference between torture and coercion." And we started talking about it a few minutes.

Bottom line: I think a great achievement to make a book that can be understood or comprehended by anyone. Above all, it seems perfect to develop ideas and thoughts clearly and concisely, without many words or phrases sophisticated, often, they say nothing.

you a hug and again, congratulations.

Mariano (anonymous reader)


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Daylight Gained Each Day

Learn to search for documents in the portal Library of Ecuador


Thursday, November 11, 2010

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The Quixote digitized by the National Library of Spain

National Library digitized and put our disposal "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes, 1605 for editing and reading enjoyment of all. An example of what can be done with new technology and the good work.

To view please click here


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Abolishing or transform? Iñaki Rivera Beiras


Corrientes 1515 Piso 10, Of. A
(C1042AAB) - Buenos Aires - Argentina
Fax: (54 11) 4372 8969 / 4375 4209

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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The four key dimensions of change in the libraries How

robot designed for the reopening of the Library J. Paul Leonard at San Francisco State University scheduled for 2012

When it comes to innovation in organizations, far-reaching steps are being pursued that may be recognized by service users, take note that institutions are the product of knowledge and practices that have been shaped over the years and not changed by decree or by the mere purchase of technological gadgets. Rather we must explicitly work to achieve the desired change successfully and that is a task that usually involves the management of four key dimensions: technology, processes, people and content. We dedicate this "post" to go over these variables from the perspective of the preparation of a library that aims to pass the interesting road leading automation the hiperautomatización and wondering what should I do? Technology

is no doubt that technology plays a role in hiperautomatización libraries. As discussed on other occasions, the new paradigm converge advances such as the Internet and the Web today, providing (with different hardware and software options) options ubiquitous connectivity to the network independently of where you are and type of equipment used to connect the RFID technologies, which allow identification with radio frequency links in a much more versatile than the old bar codes that have stimulated the use of many new devices in the library, the Wi-Fi, which is essential to bring connectivity to the shelves, the GSM 3G and 4G connectivity allow cell phones. All this fits into the concept of service provided hiperbibliotecas. Process

expresses hiperautomatización If something is changing processes. What makes a library user hiperautomatizada is different in many cases users are self serving and all are generally more connected to the library through their personal pages. What the library is also different, in technical processes introduce new tasks, monitoring and security are implemented differently, inventories also changed in their footsteps, services, loans and repayments and the whole movement behind them change with the concept of hiperpréstamo. Still thinking that the new activities or new order in which steps are more simple, appropriate and natural for the organization, the dimensions of process change and cultural impacts, and should be planned adoption scheme to be followed. Clearly, therefore, to be worked with stakeholders to make conscious and skillful in handling differences. People

People are the organization. At the final event, nevertheless the hiperautomtizadas have to do always with people, while some are in front cone others are always behind the scenes. In a transition like we've been talking about, where there are so many changes in technology and processes involved, if not worked out the details with people, it undermines the success of the project. Hiperautomatización a draft should include not only technological change and process but the formation of the new culture that must accompany this change. The problem is that culture is not resolved by a decree, a memo or a purchase. It's something usually requires activities such as meetings, seminars and workshops and, of course, closely follow the behavior, for and against, that eventually happen. One to promote them and others to reorient. A transition to well-run library hiperautomatización always include a pilot project which is coming and prepare people, conceptual and practical way to handle new technologies and processes. Contents


data and information provided behind the changes in technology and processes. The hiperautomatización may involve new content, information flows and rules to be developed. Necessary questions like what changes must be made on the website, new signage and instructions which should be placed in the library and what the previous should be removed. Also some very technical: what are the metadata central database of the library that should flow hiperpréstamos system, what changes are needed in the content or information flows that the statistics work better taking advantage of opportunities RFID identification technology, etc. Conclusion

definitely introducing innovation in organizations is far to be a shopping list and therefore, to ensure success, it is important to understand how we work and how the four key dimensions of change.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

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buy an eBook?

Dear friends
For colleagues interested in entering the world of E-Book `s, here I send a very interesting link that shows a guide to buy an Ebook.

Regards, Freddy

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

Nfl Revolution Speeds

Verbistky Rereading s doctoral thesis of Daniel Rafecas

Dear Friends:

We send at this time, the book of Daniel Eduardo Rafecas:
Torture and other illegal practices of detainees . Receive

you our most cordial greetings.

Corrientes 1515 Piso 10, of "A"
(C1042AAB) - Buenos Aires - Argentina
tel.: 4372 8969 / 4375 4209

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Milena Velba Açık


I am reading many books these days. As far as legal concerns, the new published Alfonso Santiago Marcial Pons, I zapped by the Treaty of Manili Constitutional Litigation, will see if tenen his review here.

I also liked a lot, Goransky Mirna's book about the Public Prosecutor whose cover you see above.

can see the full entry here .

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tickling Armpits Blog

BICENTENNIAL Arballo. OTHER STORIES, by Ansaldi, Pablo Funes and


Dear Friends:

We send at this time, the book of Waldo Ansaldi, Patricia Funes and Susana Villavicencio: BICENTENNIAL - Other stories.

Receive you our most cordial greetings.

Corrientes 1515 Piso 10, of "A"
(C1042AAB) - Buenos Aires - Argentina
tel.: 4372 8969/4375 4209

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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VILLAVICENCIO G. Salinas. The use of torture in the RCA. Argentina


Click on the image to view normal size

Dear Friends:

We send at this time, the book of Pablo Gabriel Salinas: The use of torture in Argentina. Social reality and legal regulation . Receive

you our most cordial greetings.

Corrientes 1515 Piso 10, of "A"
(C1042AAB) - Buenos Aires - Argentina
tel.: 4372 8969/4375 4209 @
editoresdelpuerto administration. com

I&d Of An Abcessed Tooth

Abramovich and Pautassi - The measurement of social policy rights


Dear Friends:

We send at this time, the book of Abramovich and Laura Pautassi entitled: Mediation of Rights in Social Policy. Receive

you our most cordial greetings.

Corrientes 1515 Piso 10, of "A"
(C1042AAB) - Buenos Aires - Argentina
tel.: 4372 8969 / 4375 4209

Saturday, September 18, 2010

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

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De Mirna Goransky on

Preface to the work of Mirna Goransky

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What If Canned Chicken Broth Is 2 Years Old

Reading the Complex

Prigogine (1997) states that all knowledge involves a building in the human sciences and that it is unacceptable the idea of \u200b\u200breality as given. For several hundred years - practically since the founding of physics by Galileo, Descartes and Newton - the idea of \u200b\u200bsimplicity, the search for a fundamental, stable through appearances, dominated the natural sciences.

However, recognizing the complexity, finding the tools to describe and make a new reading within this new context of the changing relationship between man and nature are the crucial issues of our time. The models adopted for the study of the natural world must necessarily present pluralistic nature that reflects the variety of phenomena we observe.

to classical physics, reversible and deterministic systems were the conceptual model for excellence. The triumph of the Newtonian East for several centuries the evolution of the scientific view, where the casual and irreversible were admitted only as exceptional cases introduced by humans in a simple nature, reversible and deterministic.

Today the situation has changed, especially after the occurrence of high-impact three corrections:

1) elementary particles have proved to be most unstable.
2) cosmology Contemporary leads to an array of structures, increasingly complex.
3) The traditional macroscopic phenomena studied in chemistry, biology and dynamics have changed their image. Everywhere we find the casual and irreversible.

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prosecutor Luis Niño and Cristina road presents Adrian Martin's book on criminology books

Monday, August 30, 2010

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Master Prigogine Ylia

then mentioned a small biography of the master Ylia Prigogine, as in some later publishes articles on this blog about his book entitled "Just an Illusion" which was one of the first be translated into English in simple terms explains some aspects of great importance for the development of social sciences.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977, Prof. Dr. Ilya Prigogine precursor of chaos theory, was born on January 25, 1917 and died on May 28, 2003, at the age of 86 years in Brussels, a city where he lived . Great humanist philosopher, its findings help us understand why we exist and why the origins of life were not coincidental. His books, translated into many languages, ranging from the study of thermodynamics to the connection between science and humanism. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977 was awarded to Dr. Prigogine after being sidelined for nearly 20 years, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry mainly for his work in what he called dissipative structures and his contributions to nonequilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of irreversible processes, have stimulated many scientists throughout the world and can have profound implications for our understanding of biological systems.

graduated in chemistry at the Free University of Brussels. Regent was Ashbel Smith Professor and Professor of Engineering Physics and Chemistry of the University of Texas at Austin. In 1967 he founded the Center for Statistical Mechanics, which later became known as Ilya Prigogine Center for Studies in Statistical Mechanics and Complex Systems. From 1959 has been Director of the International Solvay Institute in Brussels, Belgium. In 1989, Viscount Prigogine was appointed by the King of Belgium. He was a member of 63 national and professional organizations, among which are the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Science.

Born in Moscow, Ilya Prigogine won the Belgian nationality when he emigrated with his parents, four years old. Piano virtuoso, a young man torn between his musical career to devote himself or science education, and finally opted for science and studied physics and chemistry at the Free University of Brussels, where he Professor of Thermodynamics. "The formation of dissipative ordered shows that it is possible to create order from disorder? Statement explaining the Nobel?. The description of these structures led to many fundamental discoveries have application in various fields, not only in chemistry but in biology and social systems. "Einstein was opposed by the role attributed to chance; studied the chaos, uncertainty and non-equilibrium. It would not accept a deterministic view of the universe.

leading research institutes and universities honored him with academic honors, among which there are more than twenty Honorary doctorates. Among the awards received include the Legion of Honor of France and the rising sun of Japan. During one of his last visits to Buenos Aires, to attend the inauguration of the International Research Institute of the University of Salvador, said: "Science is an element of culture. I see my job as a reconciliation, because it shows that time problem can be addressed by science and philosophy leads. "

For Prigogine, the time was the missing dimension of physics, and his lifelong efforts were directed to understand their role in the universe. So their contributions were mostly in the irreversibility, or as he called it, "the arrow of time." "His theory was" bridging the gap between biological and social fields of research. "

By giving a leading role Random Prigogine stated the impossibility of absolute certainties. It also showed that the world is a simultaneous creation of order and chaos desorden.El order and chaos theory, or nonlinear dynamic system, start the research of the Nobel Prize. "The possible chaos of life and intelligence," he said. Questioned the Big Bang theory on the origin of the universe. For him, the source can not be conceived as an initial burst, but as a result of the transformation of gravitational energy of matter into energy. Developed a physical hypothesis concerning the emergence of organized structures in which living matter, which he called dissipative structures. Professor of Chemistry at the Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago, physics and chemical engineering at the University of Texas and director of the Institute of Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. He married in 1961 with Marina Prokopowicz and had two children.

Source: / anthro-Article.php? Id_articulo = 456

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bathrobes At Burlington

Click image for larger

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What If Canned Chicken Broth Is

Video: Learning to Speak / Gustavo Punset / Network / TVE

Does Arrid Extra Dry Come For Women

Video: Thrill is necessary but not both / Gustavo Punset / Network / TVE

Saturday, August 21, 2010

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right to a fair trial and equality before the courts

Thursday, August 19, 2010

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illegal police arrests and arbitrary - Adrian Martin


Click on image to enlarge normal size

Dear Friends:

We send at this time, the book Norbert Adrian Martin entitled illegal and arbitrary police arrests in the case of the National Criminal Appeals. Receive

you our most cordial greetings.

Corrientes 1515. 10 º "A" (1042)
4372-8969 / 4375-4209

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What Does Strep Look Like In The Mouth

of the magazine "New Doctrine Penal

New Doctrine
Journal Criminal