then mentioned a small biography of the master Ylia Prigogine, as in some later publishes articles on this blog about his book entitled "Just an Illusion" which was one of the first be translated into English in simple terms explains some aspects of great importance for the development of social sciences.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977, Prof. Dr. Ilya Prigogine precursor of chaos theory, was born on January 25, 1917 and died on May 28, 2003, at the age of 86 years in Brussels, a city where he lived . Great humanist philosopher, its findings help us understand why we exist and why the origins of life were not coincidental. His books, translated into many languages, ranging from the study of thermodynamics to the connection between science and humanism. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977 was awarded to Dr. Prigogine after being sidelined for nearly 20 years, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry mainly for his work in what he called dissipative structures and his contributions to nonequilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of irreversible processes, have stimulated many scientists throughout the world and can have profound implications for our understanding of biological systems.
graduated in chemistry at the Free University of Brussels. Regent was Ashbel Smith Professor and Professor of Engineering Physics and Chemistry of the University of Texas at Austin. In 1967 he founded the Center for Statistical Mechanics, which later became known as Ilya Prigogine Center for Studies in Statistical Mechanics and Complex Systems. From 1959 has been Director of the International Solvay Institute in Brussels, Belgium. In 1989, Viscount Prigogine was appointed by the King of Belgium. He was a member of 63 national and professional organizations, among which are the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Science.
Born in Moscow, Ilya Prigogine won the Belgian nationality when he emigrated with his parents, four years old. Piano virtuoso, a young man torn between his musical career to devote himself or science education, and finally opted for science and studied physics and chemistry at the Free University of Brussels, where he Professor of Thermodynamics. "The formation of dissipative ordered shows that it is possible to create order from disorder? Statement explaining the Nobel?. The description of these structures led to many fundamental discoveries have application in various fields, not only in chemistry but in biology and social systems. "Einstein was opposed by the role attributed to chance; studied the chaos, uncertainty and non-equilibrium. It would not accept a deterministic view of the universe.
leading research institutes and universities honored him with academic honors, among which there are more than twenty Honorary doctorates. Among the awards received include the Legion of Honor of France and the rising sun of Japan. During one of his last visits to Buenos Aires, to attend the inauguration of the International Research Institute of the University of Salvador, said: "Science is an element of culture. I see my job as a reconciliation, because it shows that time problem can be addressed by science and philosophy leads. "
For Prigogine, the time was the missing dimension of physics, and his lifelong efforts were directed to understand their role in the universe. So their contributions were mostly in the irreversibility, or as he called it, "the arrow of time." "His theory was" bridging the gap between biological and social fields of research. "
By giving a leading role Random Prigogine stated the impossibility of absolute certainties. It also showed that the world is a simultaneous creation of order and chaos desorden.El order and chaos theory, or nonlinear dynamic system, start the research of the Nobel Prize. "The possible chaos of life and intelligence," he said. Questioned the Big Bang theory on the origin of the universe. For him, the source can not be conceived as an initial burst, but as a result of the transformation of gravitational energy of matter into energy. Developed a physical hypothesis concerning the emergence of organized structures in which living matter, which he called dissipative structures. Professor of Chemistry at the Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago, physics and chemical engineering at the University of Texas and director of the Institute of Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. He married in 1961 with Marina Prokopowicz and had two children.
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