Thursday, August 12, 2010

Denis Milani Foto In Shop

scientific management is possible in Venezuela

hear a young boy and popular catalog said that one thing is theory and another is practice. It seems that the world of corporate management is purely practical, but nothing further from the reality. Since 1962, Thomas Kuhn in his classic work entitled "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions," began to change the idea of \u200b\u200bthe scientist who knew a lot about recently in a secluded place, the science that values \u200b\u200bthat can be used by society whatever works. This means that science seeks to practice and through the evaluation of an inter-reality reality is systematized and in doing so it becomes science or what Kuhn called a paradigm.

However, the university as a social institution that educates people who go to work in business, is completely detached from the company and that is precisely the result that further mentioned that the theory is one thing and practice is another. That is why the table should be placed in the break point between the classical and contemporary science is the difference between information and knowledge, that is, between a theory and application and involves a relationship between academia and industry and that only with this link, organizations can, through their employees, their cognitive and practical skills, to endorse these theories and transform reality. Despite this, it is clear the crack, the separation between academia and industry which is largely because most of our universities are state and are affected by its bureaucracy and inefficiency.

This divorce between academia and industry that results in new knowledge and useful theory generated by researchers did not always transferred to professional practice, usually transferred to other university colleagues are few and generally very critical and some will be able to do with that knowledge, generating a kind of incestuous circle where ideas do not fall in the manuals of the organization and therefore do not become paradigms. Transmission between academics and managers is difficult. The frames of reference, the default values, which means it is relevant, often differ substantially. This difficulty has resulted in the proliferation of a brokerage industry that simplifies and scientific knowledge accessible to managers, giving untold economic benefits that the university does not receive not build that bridge University - Business.

Following the way the process runs in reverse as the company has taken care of the needs of future cultural change and has begun to change their assumptions, even when universities should be promoted as those who are in it where people are normally formed and devoted to research. (Llanos, 1994, p.92)

The big challenge we have today, is to integrate the university with the company, making the styles of thought, paradigms, useful knowledge for society is used is not filed on the shelves of universities. Thus, companies will be formed in experimental laboratories of universities achieving a university-business synergy and that the university will meet the needs of the company and the company can remedy hardly fault the university could correct their own resources.

consulting firms made millions doing this link, translating what the theory says and took the managers of firms to implement it. Baipasear universities are able to consulting firms will allow a positive feedback, resources to improve infrastructure for researchers and society more generally prepared to current challenges.


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