The modern enterprise can not handle the experience gained in one sector of activities whose nature changes rapidly. This is why it has become important government capacity and conducting interdisciplinary, harmonizing professional divisions, offices heterogeneous, even conflicting operations for attending the same goal. In 1966 Robert Kahn, Daniel Katz and Bert Von alanffy, and raised the basic ideas of the systemic approach to the analysis of society and culture, since then other authors such as Peter Senge (1990) in his book: The Fifth Discipline provides that businesses and other human endeavors are systems linked by invisible frames interrelated events, which often take years to fully exhibit their effects mutual. (P.15)
contemporary company in the seventies came a stream, in which the managers began to incorporate in their human reality system, although not by a sense of humanism, which was alien to them, together by a pragmatist. This trend has evolved and the focus now moves around the intangible values \u200b\u200band social man. Llano (1994) proposes five parameters to reveal the mutations that organizations are experiencing in their apparent transit of classical modernism to contemporary. These five parameters are fields that seem more profound transformations:
1. In the organizational setting, we experience a decline in traditional systems and procedures to generate greater importance to the character of the value of people and their culture. Systems and procedures that had become the regulatory apparatus of work, living and opportunities, give way to new values \u200b\u200band a sense of coexistence, confidence or self-actualization.
2. In the parameter relationships, requires greater attention to the reception of broadcast communications to them. The breakdown or inadequate communication efforts is not resolved by emitting only a technically perfect way, but fundamentally to the cultural conditions of the recipient. In a culture of communication is now hearing the essence of living. Communication is recovered as building force of the organization, transformational and empowering force of personal activity, group, organizational and social.
3. The parameter of motivation, strength decreases the motivation that focus on meeting the possessive selfishness for the benefit of effusive tendencies of human beings, consisting of the urge to share what one possesses.
4. As regards the ethical, ethical valuations prevailing in the current company is especially appreciated for its numerical aspect: the greatest good for the greatest number. But one begins to see that ethical issues are rarely resolved in quantity. The problem begins to focus attention to qualitative issues: what good people and what value you entered.
5. The cognitive parameter implies another more profound changes in the current company. Cognitive mutation that occurs in the company runs into three main areas: a) The dialogue with the environment, and particularly the cultural environment in which they inserted the activity of the company, b) The achievement of personal autonomy of those working in the company. This autonomy should not be confused with permissiveness, and that man does not acquire more autonomy to the extent they are allowed more possibilities for action, but the extent to which voluntarily undertakes truly valuable goals, and c) the recognition, understanding and action around a shared reason: the reason is not senior management, the reason in the organization is shared as is negotiated or at least a communication product (quoted in Lanz, et al., 2001, pp. 31,32).
The new organizational logic tends to set up organizations and large clusters of innovative equipment able to interpret adequately the needs of the moment. Under this approach, integrated human groups form teams that develop according to the following guidelines: 1) Understanding of the visions and mandates, 2) Meeting and integration with appropriate participants, 3) deep communication between team members, 4) Evaluation constant information and knowledge, 5) Decision-making appropriate, 6) Communication with the entire organization about the project; Commitment to the project time, and 8) Lifelong learning from customer feedback and related groups (Lanz, 2001, pp.29-32).
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