Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back Pain Under Shoulder Blade

Pathologies in

Here I present an article by Mark Urarte and Javier Fernández Aguado on organizational pathologies to reflect on the topic and incorporate new.

When does a medical diagnosis made perfect? When there is no error in it? The answer is simple: when you perform the autopsy. Do you serve the involved (former patient) the diagnosis? Of little use. For many organizations find out what happened when he died.

No organization, just as any person, is completely healthy. Sometimes evils will be under-or cold-specific liquidity needs and other, more fundamental: a cancer or excessive unwanted rotation. In any case, we must fix the ailment to continue performing effectively. In improving health, both personal and organizational-are three types of medicine that we can apply:

First . Preventive medicine: prevention is better than cure. Promote healthy habits (listening to customers, pay fairly, treat them with respect to employees ...), regular checkups (feed-back 360, benchmarkings, climate surveys ...) and put vaccines on time (appropriate training to staff, career plans, flexibility and conciliation practices ...), avoids many problems. Second

. Curative Medicine: not always be prevented, because not everything can be anticipated nor everything is in our hands. Some diseases are the result of bad habits but sometimes are the result of our genes. When evil is a fact necessary to apply the appropriate remedy. To do so is essential if

a) Diagnosis: know what happens to an organization goes, first, to identify the "symptoms"-Fall sales, lack of liquidity, high turnover of staff unwanted ...-, and, secondly, to clarify the causes: changes in consumer tastes, lax in planning, incompetent management positions ... Known and identified some others will be possible to define precisely what ails evil.

b) Treatment: pathology be clarified to apply the appropriate treatment.
are three steps to follow in a recovery process:

• Will : first thing to improve is to want change. It is necessary that will be launched. If the patient does not put any effort on your part would be futile. Top management must assume that there is always room for improvement. Blindness and deafness are too recurrent evils.

Habits: not enough to want change, it is necessary to cultivate habits. The weak wills result in speeches strong, into action. By going to the gym one day no one stronger. By dint of insisting over and over again, you get the desired muscle mass ... Top management must always be the first to lead by example.

Mood: the enthusiasm and vitality levels are determinants in the process of healing and rehabilitation, because the relapses and the pain often try to pull the work done by land. Plant Fear suppresses the error or punish the best in people.
c) Monitoring: pathology known to decrease the capacity of the organization and set the appropriate treatment, will have to conduct periodic reviews to check that everything is in order. Third

. Palliative Medicine: There are diseases that, unfortunately, no solution or, in some cases, the cure is worse than the disease. In this case you must take measures to make the pain is bearable as possible.

Classification of diseases

The most common diseases that often occur in organizations-about 40 in total as define in our book pathologies in organizations (LID Editorial, 2008) - can be classified according to 15 criteria. Some are:

a) According to the Severity : mild, serious, very serious. Not all problems have the same magnitude. Some diseases will require spending a couple of days in bed and others will inevitably resort to surgery. In some organizations sufficient to remove a harmful element and other will need to implement a major restructuring.

b) According to Age : Childhood, Adolescence, Maturity and Aging. The common problem of the most callow usually responds to financial needs. These are organizations que cuentan con mucha ilusión y poco capital; la falta de calcio se encuentra en el núcleo de sus dolencias. En las más adultas suele ocurrir lo contrario: sobra capital, pero falta empuje; una cierta artrosis evidenciada en forma de resistencia al cambio resta oportunidades de mejora.

c) Según el Tamaño y/o Propiedad de la empresa : Grandes, Pympes (pequeñas y muy pequeñas) y Familiares. En las empresas de menor tamaño, los recursos suelen ser más escasos que en las grandes. Sin embargo, la flexibilidad es mayor y la posibilidad de poner en marcha una idea que surgió ayer es más factible. En las familiares, por ejemplo, no queda bien separada la diferencia entre la lógica "Rational" and "emotional", which in some cases made the problems continue at home and sometimes-especially when the sequence is close, give rise to conflicts. In the largest, the problem often lies in the bureaucracy.

Other criteria for the classification of diseases are the type of condition, location, the chances of cure, stage of pregnancy or the frequency of appearance ... Conclusions

All institutions, large and small, public and private, profit or nonprofit ...- have flaws and imperfections. No escape this reality and none can be indifferent to it if you want to achieve, or continue to maintain high-levels. It is therefore essential to seek specialists, advisers, consultants or coaches, for finding the evil that afflicts each organization and make the necessary treatment that it does not lose sight of the goal of excellence. Once harnessed and put the problem will require further organizational health periodically checking to verify that certain tumors have not been replicated and no new ones have appeared.

This system of diagnosis, not only improves outcomes but also the quality of life of stakeholders.


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