Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What If Canned Chicken Broth Is 2 Years Old

Reading the Complex

Prigogine (1997) states that all knowledge involves a building in the human sciences and that it is unacceptable the idea of \u200b\u200breality as given. For several hundred years - practically since the founding of physics by Galileo, Descartes and Newton - the idea of \u200b\u200bsimplicity, the search for a fundamental, stable through appearances, dominated the natural sciences.

However, recognizing the complexity, finding the tools to describe and make a new reading within this new context of the changing relationship between man and nature are the crucial issues of our time. The models adopted for the study of the natural world must necessarily present pluralistic nature that reflects the variety of phenomena we observe.

to classical physics, reversible and deterministic systems were the conceptual model for excellence. The triumph of the Newtonian East for several centuries the evolution of the scientific view, where the casual and irreversible were admitted only as exceptional cases introduced by humans in a simple nature, reversible and deterministic.

Today the situation has changed, especially after the occurrence of high-impact three corrections:

1) elementary particles have proved to be most unstable.
2) cosmology Contemporary leads to an array of structures, increasingly complex.
3) The traditional macroscopic phenomena studied in chemistry, biology and dynamics have changed their image. Everywhere we find the casual and irreversible.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

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Master Prigogine Ylia

then mentioned a small biography of the master Ylia Prigogine, as in some later publishes articles on this blog about his book entitled "Just an Illusion" which was one of the first be translated into English in simple terms explains some aspects of great importance for the development of social sciences.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977, Prof. Dr. Ilya Prigogine precursor of chaos theory, was born on January 25, 1917 and died on May 28, 2003, at the age of 86 years in Brussels, a city where he lived . Great humanist philosopher, its findings help us understand why we exist and why the origins of life were not coincidental. His books, translated into many languages, ranging from the study of thermodynamics to the connection between science and humanism. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1977 was awarded to Dr. Prigogine after being sidelined for nearly 20 years, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry mainly for his work in what he called dissipative structures and his contributions to nonequilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of irreversible processes, have stimulated many scientists throughout the world and can have profound implications for our understanding of biological systems.

graduated in chemistry at the Free University of Brussels. Regent was Ashbel Smith Professor and Professor of Engineering Physics and Chemistry of the University of Texas at Austin. In 1967 he founded the Center for Statistical Mechanics, which later became known as Ilya Prigogine Center for Studies in Statistical Mechanics and Complex Systems. From 1959 has been Director of the International Solvay Institute in Brussels, Belgium. In 1989, Viscount Prigogine was appointed by the King of Belgium. He was a member of 63 national and professional organizations, among which are the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Science.

Born in Moscow, Ilya Prigogine won the Belgian nationality when he emigrated with his parents, four years old. Piano virtuoso, a young man torn between his musical career to devote himself or science education, and finally opted for science and studied physics and chemistry at the Free University of Brussels, where he Professor of Thermodynamics. "The formation of dissipative ordered shows that it is possible to create order from disorder? Statement explaining the Nobel?. The description of these structures led to many fundamental discoveries have application in various fields, not only in chemistry but in biology and social systems. "Einstein was opposed by the role attributed to chance; studied the chaos, uncertainty and non-equilibrium. It would not accept a deterministic view of the universe.

leading research institutes and universities honored him with academic honors, among which there are more than twenty Honorary doctorates. Among the awards received include the Legion of Honor of France and the rising sun of Japan. During one of his last visits to Buenos Aires, to attend the inauguration of the International Research Institute of the University of Salvador, said: "Science is an element of culture. I see my job as a reconciliation, because it shows that time problem can be addressed by science and philosophy leads. "

For Prigogine, the time was the missing dimension of physics, and his lifelong efforts were directed to understand their role in the universe. So their contributions were mostly in the irreversibility, or as he called it, "the arrow of time." "His theory was" bridging the gap between biological and social fields of research. "

By giving a leading role Random Prigogine stated the impossibility of absolute certainties. It also showed that the world is a simultaneous creation of order and chaos desorden.El order and chaos theory, or nonlinear dynamic system, start the research of the Nobel Prize. "The possible chaos of life and intelligence," he said. Questioned the Big Bang theory on the origin of the universe. For him, the source can not be conceived as an initial burst, but as a result of the transformation of gravitational energy of matter into energy. Developed a physical hypothesis concerning the emergence of organized structures in which living matter, which he called dissipative structures. Professor of Chemistry at the Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago, physics and chemical engineering at the University of Texas and director of the Institute of Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. He married in 1961 with Marina Prokopowicz and had two children.

Source: antroposmoderno.com / anthro-Article.php? Id_articulo = 456

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bathrobes At Burlington

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Sunday, August 22, 2010

What If Canned Chicken Broth Is

Video: Learning to Speak / Gustavo Punset / Network / TVE

Does Arrid Extra Dry Come For Women

Video: Thrill is necessary but not both / Gustavo Punset / Network / TVE

Saturday, August 21, 2010

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

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scientific management is possible in Venezuela

hear a young boy and popular catalog said that one thing is theory and another is practice. It seems that the world of corporate management is purely practical, but nothing further from the reality. Since 1962, Thomas Kuhn in his classic work entitled "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions," began to change the idea of \u200b\u200bthe scientist who knew a lot about recently in a secluded place, the science that values \u200b\u200bthat can be used by society whatever works. This means that science seeks to practice and through the evaluation of an inter-reality reality is systematized and in doing so it becomes science or what Kuhn called a paradigm.

However, the university as a social institution that educates people who go to work in business, is completely detached from the company and that is precisely the result that further mentioned that the theory is one thing and practice is another. That is why the table should be placed in the break point between the classical and contemporary science is the difference between information and knowledge, that is, between a theory and application and involves a relationship between academia and industry and that only with this link, organizations can, through their employees, their cognitive and practical skills, to endorse these theories and transform reality. Despite this, it is clear the crack, the separation between academia and industry which is largely because most of our universities are state and are affected by its bureaucracy and inefficiency.

This divorce between academia and industry that results in new knowledge and useful theory generated by researchers did not always transferred to professional practice, usually transferred to other university colleagues are few and generally very critical and some will be able to do with that knowledge, generating a kind of incestuous circle where ideas do not fall in the manuals of the organization and therefore do not become paradigms. Transmission between academics and managers is difficult. The frames of reference, the default values, which means it is relevant, often differ substantially. This difficulty has resulted in the proliferation of a brokerage industry that simplifies and scientific knowledge accessible to managers, giving untold economic benefits that the university does not receive not build that bridge University - Business.

Following the way the process runs in reverse as the company has taken care of the needs of future cultural change and has begun to change their assumptions, even when universities should be promoted as those who are in it where people are normally formed and devoted to research. (Llanos, 1994, p.92)

The big challenge we have today, is to integrate the university with the company, making the styles of thought, paradigms, useful knowledge for society is used is not filed on the shelves of universities. Thus, companies will be formed in experimental laboratories of universities achieving a university-business synergy and that the university will meet the needs of the company and the company can remedy hardly fault the university could correct their own resources.

consulting firms made millions doing this link, translating what the theory says and took the managers of firms to implement it. Baipasear universities are able to consulting firms will allow a positive feedback, resources to improve infrastructure for researchers and society more generally prepared to current challenges.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

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Pathologies in

Here I present an article by Mark Urarte and Javier Fernández Aguado on organizational pathologies to reflect on the topic and incorporate new.

When does a medical diagnosis made perfect? When there is no error in it? The answer is simple: when you perform the autopsy. Do you serve the involved (former patient) the diagnosis? Of little use. For many organizations find out what happened when he died.

No organization, just as any person, is completely healthy. Sometimes evils will be under-or cold-specific liquidity needs and other, more fundamental: a cancer or excessive unwanted rotation. In any case, we must fix the ailment to continue performing effectively. In improving health, both personal and organizational-are three types of medicine that we can apply:

First . Preventive medicine: prevention is better than cure. Promote healthy habits (listening to customers, pay fairly, treat them with respect to employees ...), regular checkups (feed-back 360, benchmarkings, climate surveys ...) and put vaccines on time (appropriate training to staff, career plans, flexibility and conciliation practices ...), avoids many problems. Second

. Curative Medicine: not always be prevented, because not everything can be anticipated nor everything is in our hands. Some diseases are the result of bad habits but sometimes are the result of our genes. When evil is a fact necessary to apply the appropriate remedy. To do so is essential if

a) Diagnosis: know what happens to an organization goes, first, to identify the "symptoms"-Fall sales, lack of liquidity, high turnover of staff unwanted ...-, and, secondly, to clarify the causes: changes in consumer tastes, lax in planning, incompetent management positions ... Known and identified some others will be possible to define precisely what ails evil.

b) Treatment: pathology be clarified to apply the appropriate treatment.
are three steps to follow in a recovery process:

• Will : first thing to improve is to want change. It is necessary that will be launched. If the patient does not put any effort on your part would be futile. Top management must assume that there is always room for improvement. Blindness and deafness are too recurrent evils.

Habits: not enough to want change, it is necessary to cultivate habits. The weak wills result in speeches strong, into action. By going to the gym one day no one stronger. By dint of insisting over and over again, you get the desired muscle mass ... Top management must always be the first to lead by example.

Mood: the enthusiasm and vitality levels are determinants in the process of healing and rehabilitation, because the relapses and the pain often try to pull the work done by land. Plant Fear suppresses the error or punish the best in people.
c) Monitoring: pathology known to decrease the capacity of the organization and set the appropriate treatment, will have to conduct periodic reviews to check that everything is in order. Third

. Palliative Medicine: There are diseases that, unfortunately, no solution or, in some cases, the cure is worse than the disease. In this case you must take measures to make the pain is bearable as possible.

Classification of diseases

The most common diseases that often occur in organizations-about 40 in total as define in our book pathologies in organizations (LID Editorial, 2008) - can be classified according to 15 criteria. Some are:

a) According to the Severity : mild, serious, very serious. Not all problems have the same magnitude. Some diseases will require spending a couple of days in bed and others will inevitably resort to surgery. In some organizations sufficient to remove a harmful element and other will need to implement a major restructuring.

b) According to Age : Childhood, Adolescence, Maturity and Aging. The common problem of the most callow usually responds to financial needs. These are organizations que cuentan con mucha ilusión y poco capital; la falta de calcio se encuentra en el núcleo de sus dolencias. En las más adultas suele ocurrir lo contrario: sobra capital, pero falta empuje; una cierta artrosis evidenciada en forma de resistencia al cambio resta oportunidades de mejora.

c) Según el Tamaño y/o Propiedad de la empresa : Grandes, Pympes (pequeñas y muy pequeñas) y Familiares. En las empresas de menor tamaño, los recursos suelen ser más escasos que en las grandes. Sin embargo, la flexibilidad es mayor y la posibilidad de poner en marcha una idea que surgió ayer es más factible. En las familiares, por ejemplo, no queda bien separada la diferencia entre la lógica "Rational" and "emotional", which in some cases made the problems continue at home and sometimes-especially when the sequence is close, give rise to conflicts. In the largest, the problem often lies in the bureaucracy.

Other criteria for the classification of diseases are the type of condition, location, the chances of cure, stage of pregnancy or the frequency of appearance ... Conclusions

All institutions, large and small, public and private, profit or nonprofit ...- have flaws and imperfections. No escape this reality and none can be indifferent to it if you want to achieve, or continue to maintain high-levels. It is therefore essential to seek specialists, advisers, consultants or coaches, for finding the evil that afflicts each organization and make the necessary treatment that it does not lose sight of the goal of excellence. Once harnessed and put the problem will require further organizational health periodically checking to verify that certain tumors have not been replicated and no new ones have appeared.

This system of diagnosis, not only improves outcomes but also the quality of life of stakeholders.

Monday, August 9, 2010

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organizations must feel, but not both

Gustavo is a respected figure who through his excellent program broadcast on English Television (TVE) has been that science comes to us all. Profound and difficult issues to understand the focus of a simple giving Praxiological applications. Then I show a reflection of Gustavo Punset may seem obvious to many but actually makes a difference in our daily work in both the professional and personal.

"No one doubts that need to get excited about things, if you're doing something need arises emotion that drives people to do it, but not so here's the secret of life, and this means that the emotion one feels when performing an activity should not interfere with the cognitive processes of executive functions, ie, should not interfere with the expertise, the ability and if you're too excited not going to be able to control all it should, so of course that any human being at least feel some emotion for what you do but go with it. .

This reality should be applied not only professionally but also in the lives of couples in the mechanisms of seduction for example play the same rules. You can be madly in love but, so that a relationship must combine to produce fruit, it is falling madly in love with the mechanisms and the things that must be respected. "

Thursday, August 5, 2010

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The Global Enterprise Management

The modern enterprise can not handle the experience gained in one sector of activities whose nature changes rapidly. This is why it has become important government capacity and conducting interdisciplinary, harmonizing professional divisions, offices heterogeneous, even conflicting operations for attending the same goal. In 1966 Robert Kahn, Daniel Katz and Bert Von alanffy, and raised the basic ideas of the systemic approach to the analysis of society and culture, since then other authors such as Peter Senge (1990) in his book: The Fifth Discipline provides that businesses and other human endeavors are systems linked by invisible frames interrelated events, which often take years to fully exhibit their effects mutual. (P.15)

contemporary company in the seventies came a stream, in which the managers began to incorporate in their human reality system, although not by a sense of humanism, which was alien to them, together by a pragmatist. This trend has evolved and the focus now moves around the intangible values \u200b\u200band social man. Llano (1994) proposes five parameters to reveal the mutations that organizations are experiencing in their apparent transit of classical modernism to contemporary. These five parameters are fields that seem more profound transformations:
1. In the organizational setting, we experience a decline in traditional systems and procedures to generate greater importance to the character of the value of people and their culture. Systems and procedures that had become the regulatory apparatus of work, living and opportunities, give way to new values \u200b\u200band a sense of coexistence, confidence or self-actualization.

2. In the parameter relationships, requires greater attention to the reception of broadcast communications to them. The breakdown or inadequate communication efforts is not resolved by emitting only a technically perfect way, but fundamentally to the cultural conditions of the recipient. In a culture of communication is now hearing the essence of living. Communication is recovered as building force of the organization, transformational and empowering force of personal activity, group, organizational and social.

3. The parameter of motivation, strength decreases the motivation that focus on meeting the possessive selfishness for the benefit of effusive tendencies of human beings, consisting of the urge to share what one possesses.

4. As regards the ethical, ethical valuations prevailing in the current company is especially appreciated for its numerical aspect: the greatest good for the greatest number. But one begins to see that ethical issues are rarely resolved in quantity. The problem begins to focus attention to qualitative issues: what good people and what value you entered.

5. The cognitive parameter implies another more profound changes in the current company. Cognitive mutation that occurs in the company runs into three main areas: a) The dialogue with the environment, and particularly the cultural environment in which they inserted the activity of the company, b) The achievement of personal autonomy of those working in the company. This autonomy should not be confused with permissiveness, and that man does not acquire more autonomy to the extent they are allowed more possibilities for action, but the extent to which voluntarily undertakes truly valuable goals, and c) the recognition, understanding and action around a shared reason: the reason is not senior management, the reason in the organization is shared as is negotiated or at least a communication product (quoted in Lanz, et al., 2001, pp. 31,32).

The new organizational logic tends to set up organizations and large clusters of innovative equipment able to interpret adequately the needs of the moment. Under this approach, integrated human groups form teams that develop according to the following guidelines: 1) Understanding of the visions and mandates, 2) Meeting and integration with appropriate participants, 3) deep communication between team members, 4) Evaluation constant information and knowledge, 5) Decision-making appropriate, 6) Communication with the entire organization about the project; Commitment to the project time, and 8) Lifelong learning from customer feedback and related groups (Lanz, 2001, pp.29-32).

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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agents of change in organizations will have to go to counselors or therapists, to become promoters of a discovery process, which depends essentially on the contingency of the participatory process, where the emotional and rational arises dialectical force emerging socially committed unexpected data to all participants. Therefore professional skills of researchers and agents of change will related to their ability to read political and cultural organizations. Methodologies should also be enriched by techniques and procedures to collect and record the symbolic language, because data are often the most important in the analysis of discourse expressed or suppressed by power relations.

A new proposal is emerging in organizations: The Scientific Management, there are framed realities Praxiological own professional knowledge and theoretical academic knowledge, with both dimensions is strengthened operational management and strategic. Scientific thinking means such as denying disciplinarity to make way for transdisciplinary thinking. Scientific management, be directed to conduct operational, functional and philosophical scope, able to understand and develop objective reality, subjective and intersubjective in a sound scientific framework. Scientific management beyond the field of functional technique focused on efficiency, raises the performance of new realities and their foundations ontological, epistemological, methodological and paradigmatic. With it generates the alternative interpretive leap that is, the manager learns to discover the scientific Why? From what? To build and discover new realities of management.

The challenges of formal education and general organizations, foundations need to revise their curricula in order to make way for a new dimension for improving human cognition. That is, the generation of knowledge from knowledge management philosophy, particularly in the epistemic dimensions, axiological and methodological issues, combined with a reflective practice supported by theoretical reason, is the apex of analysis of the realities of management. (Márquez, 2009 pp. 42-45)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Μen Erectiοns In Shοwer Phοtοs

incestuous circle to Generate Money and Power in the Modern Language

Carlos Llano (1994) in his book "Postmodernism in the Enterprise" provides a series of relationships that have taken place in our "Modern Era", which had prepared the environment to gain power and money, as the highest aspiration of human beings This periodization human mentality where there is a materialist, reductionist, with ideas of progress without limits.

operating in today's society there is an implicit bargain in which trends are converging state interventionist and liberal defense of free markets, so that the structures underpinning contemporary society resume two center pivots, the market and the state, which correspond respectively the economism and rationalism. And all that is out of official regulations (state) and trade (market) will not be anything serious or important. Market turmoil is offset by the imposition of the state order, and in turn, the bureaucratic ossification is balanced commercial freedom. It is then able to (state) and money (economy) and will therefore both state and market and each company agrees. This scheme includes a third element is the influence resulting from the use of technology and knowledge management. Then there is a homogenization to generate a single stream that flows from the unpredictable change money power, money power, influence and money (Llano, 1994, pp.9-18).
But the balance was tilting in favor of the market because the state lost legitimacy by following the neoliberal doctrine held by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. The states lost their institutional capacity to exercise oversight and control over its population and to guarantee their collective welfare. It has been passed from a state that participated heavily in the economy, a subsidiary state and at best regulator in a very specific meaning, because it is regular for markets to operate competitively. As such, the State has a strong power but different from the strength it had in the past and has allowed the radical changes that have driven globalization. Has helped and has created the conditions to destroy many of the structures that were created in the previous accumulation mode. (Braudel, 1985, quoted in Vite, 2002, p. 52)

The idea of \u200b\u200bchecks and balances at both the political and economic, involved holding private interests, with certain constraints or limitations maintain the interest, due to the existence of institutions organized around the state. This idea was diluted when the economy and society is shaped in accordance with the interests of businessmen monopolize resources, from which it derives its power to impose a new international organization and therefore national. We have moved from a "democratically organized capitalism" to one with a minimum of regulation (Beck, 1998 cited in Vite, 2002, pp. 42, 43).

Also orthodox economic theory where neoclassical theory is, we all know as neoliberal shows its seams. The dominant school of economic thought during the Great Depression (in 1929) was, and remains so to this day, the school "neoclassical" or marginal. But in the world "neoclassical" there is no such thing as a crisis. Do not live in the real world we live in, but in a world without classes, consisting of "consumers" and "producers" a harmonious world, usually with modeling tools from mathematical physics. Their uncompromising defense of "free market" has kept alive. (Palace, Lara, & Mora, 2008, pp. 90-92)

The economy is not only economic growth but what is supposedly a complex interactive relationships that autonomized one of them can cause imbalances sooner or later pay the collapse of the whole. Therefore the objective the economic, rather than growth or development of isolated elements of this complex is to achieve more harmonious relationship possible between the elements that constitute it. An article written in 1988 by some mainstream economists and published in the newspaper orthodox economic par excellence: "Neither current forecasts specialists or contemporary analysts would have predicted series the large declines in output following the crash [of 1929] ". In other words, there was nothing in the toolbox of economic theory at the time of the Great Depression, and there is nothing in the modern version of economic theory Orthodox, allowing us to understand the nature of severe economic downturns and predict (ibid.).

Neoliberalism is a proposal which postulates the release of economic forces unleashed by the technological revolution. However, the economy left to its discretion does not exist, because the economy is mainly the result of the interaction of economic actors involved and the problem is who or who interfere with it and how they interfere.